Friday, December 30, 2011

He-man & the Masters of the Universe

Hiya! How y'all doin'? Well, in more or less 24 hours, the year 2011 will be a thing of the past. At least in the Philippines it is. So I thought I'd make a last post as a toast for this special year. I've acquired many cool figs this 2011. I guess you can say its the year I really got to hone my hunting skills. Tried out new ventures and locations and spent a little more than usual. But It was a satisfying, learning experience. So lets get the ball rolling shall we.

My next toy feature is about one of the most famous toy lines in history. When these toys came out in the early eighties the kids just went wild for them. Ate 'em up like candy. It was one of the most successful toys back in the toy boom decade along with its competition like G.I. Joe and the Thundercats. And it also spawned an awesome cartoon series. You could almost hear the masses of children shouting at the top their lungs "I have the Power!". Yes, its about He-man and the Masters of the Universe!

Now, I wasn't spared from this epidemic of Eternian proportions. I, too, went crazy for these toys and I also begged my parents and any known adult relatives to buy me He-man action figures. And luckily, I did get some. I was very young then, probably five or six years old and I remember having He-man, Orko, Evil-Lyn and Tri-Klops. Unfortunately, I can't remember how and when I lost them. Just as with my other childhood toys. Fast forward to 2011. I look around online and see some vintage MOTU (thats short for the He-man title) action figures on sale in a local toy forum. And then I see how cheap they are and then and there I contacted the number of the seller and made a deal. Next day I pay the guy through bank deposit then he sends me the items the day after. I was at work when the package was delivered to my house so when quitting time came I rushed straight home. And this is what I got:

A set of five vintage figures for a very cheap price. I didn't believe it at first but I just thought what did I have to lose? Nothing I couldn't earn back. And I was glad I took the chance. Now I have a vintage Battle Armor He-man with his sword and battle ax, Battle Cat (a very rare find usually very expensive in online auction sites), Original Skeletor with his sword and skull staff, Screech the evil bird and Teela, He-man's female warrior ally. All of these are actually very rare and sought after figs, and usually sold for hundreds of dollars individually. But I guess it all depends on how much the seller thinks the items are worth and how much a buyer is willing to shell out for these items.

But aside from these MOTU figures, I also have a couple more figs. One of them, a Four Horsemen designed mini statue/action figure (or "STACTION" for those non-geek speaking readers) original colors He-man which I got new at a great price from a friend's toy shop. And a loose mattel "classics" He-man from the Superman vs. He-man two-pack, also from the same shop. Though the latter fig's right foot is really loose and the sword he came with was actually Skeletor's, Its still an awesome figure. So here are my three versions of He-man:

And some more shots:

Now don't get me wrong, I like He-man but he wasn't really my all-time favorite character. But he's the only character that I have multiple versions of. I wish I could say the same about Lion-o. But I only recently acquired one of those. But that is another story. And that will be told some time in 2012.

No its not the end, it has just begun.

Y'all have a Happy New Year! God Bless us all.

till 2012, Cheers!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My First Toy Story

For my first "toy story" I decided to feature one of the favorites from my collection, not to mention one of the oldest and cleanest action figures I've acquired.

This is a 1987 Sky Commanders Mint on Card (MOC) Rollerball with General Summit from Kenner. Now for people like me who grew up in the mid-late 80's, you would probably remember the cartoon that this fig was based on, the show Sky Commanders. It was basically a show that featured heroes and villains utilizing high-tech backpacks and zip lines to get around the mountainous setting of the show. The leader of the protagonists, the "Sky Commanders", was General Mike Summit. And the antagonists were the "Raiders" led by General Plague. You can find more info about the show from this link

Okay, now what made this fig one of my favorites, aside from it being from a show I grew up with, is the fact that it was the very first ebay purchase I acquired. Actually, it was the first purchase I made anywhere online so it was a big deal for me. I didn't even have a paypal account, I asked a friend who did have an account buy it for me. Now I was nervous the whole time because I have heard horror stories of how a lot of items sent to my country's postal service never make it through to the receiver. So I basically waited the said two to three weeks. And you can imagine how happy I was to receive that note from the post office to pick up my package. And I was on my way to work too. So I picked it up, (had to pay a small fee which I had no idea what it was for) then went to the office where I opened it. And boy was I satisfied. The seller packaged it very well and it was clean as a whistle. I think I actually creased the card myself because of my excitement to open it. But at the end of the day, I was happy to take it home and add it to my (small) collection. I never opened it though, I think I'm way passed that age when I played with toys. This was a mint collector's item and I intended to keep it that way as long as I can. I also consider it as a small investment as I do the rest of my collection. Something I could pass on to my future kids and grandchildren. So they could see what I grew up with and what I enjoyed.

So thats all for that fig, I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have any Sky Commander figs or stories related to them then share away. Until next post.


Monday, December 26, 2011


Welcome to Action Happy! This is a blog that I created to share some of the stuff I have in my very humble action figure/toy collection which I have been building a couple years now. I'm not a big-time collector. I usually only purchase toys or figs that are within my budget which also isn't that much but I pride myself for having acquired some really cool items for some really low prices. It's really all about the hunt, TOY hunt that is. I guess the only thing I like more than acquiring cool toys for my collection is the actual journey of finding those toys. I've looked almost everywhere, (in my locale of course) from big name toy stores to back alley garage sales to ebay. And I have had plenty of success and failures.

But since it has always been my dream to collect toys, I keep pushing to feed my needs. I think its a healthy hobby as long as you stay within your means and limits. I think I've always had a safety mechanism in the back of my head that turns on when it thinks I'm gonna go too far with this hobby. Its a mechanism that tells me to stop what I'm doing and think. It tells me that however I love these toys and figs, they are and will always be just toys.
So, if you've stumbled upon my little toy blog here I hope you enjoy your visit. I'm sure, if you love action figures and toys like I do (especially the ones from my childhood which was back in the 80's and early 90's) then I think you'll like my blog.
