Welcome to Action Happy! This is a blog that I created to share some of the stuff I have in my very humble action figure/toy collection which I have been building a couple years now. I'm not a big-time collector. I usually only purchase toys or figs that are within my budget which also isn't that much but I pride myself for having acquired some really cool items for some really low prices. It's really all about the hunt, TOY hunt that is. I guess the only thing I like more than acquiring cool toys for my collection is the actual journey of finding those toys. I've looked almost everywhere, (in my locale of course) from big name toy stores to back alley garage sales to ebay. And I have had plenty of success and failures.
But since it has always been my dream to collect toys, I keep pushing to feed my needs. I think its a healthy hobby as long as you stay within your means and limits. I think I've always had a safety mechanism in the back of my head that turns on when it thinks I'm gonna go too far with this hobby. Its a mechanism that tells me to stop what I'm doing and think. It tells me that however I love these toys and figs, they are and will always be just toys.
So, if you've stumbled upon my little toy blog here I hope you enjoy your visit. I'm sure, if you love action figures and toys like I do (especially the ones from my childhood which was back in the 80's and early 90's) then I think you'll like my blog.
Mabuhay ang 80s!
ReplyDeleteoh yeah!80's rule in my opinion. I can't remember having any care when I was a kid but thinking what toy I wanted to get next.