It's been a while...a looong while since my last post. Been really busy with some stuff. Let's just say I had some time for some "self-improvement". Well, I've found some time to post now so here we go.
Today I decided to feature one of the more obscure lines in my collection. This line was released in the early 90's alongside the cartoon show it supported. Now I guess during that era the world was becoming more aware of humanity's effects on the environment. It wasn't as much as how we're all concerned for global warming today, but it was more on the extinction of animals, the hole in the ozone layer and the pollution of the seas. It was the true beginning of mankind's concern for the future of the planet. Thus came the cartoon show "Captain Planet and the Planeteers".
It was basically a cartoon aimed to inform the youth about the problems our planet is facing from the unimaginable abuse of mankind's hunger for progress. The protagonist of the show were the Planeteers, a group of five teenagers from different parts of the world who were chosen by Earth's spirit, GAIA, to help protect the Earth from the evil forces that threatened to abuse and destroy it. They were each given a ring which represented the different elements of nature. Namely; earth, fire, wind, water and heart (which I didn't really know why it was selected as an element), maybe the writers just wanted to keep the team of five. These were special rings though, each not only represented an element, it also gave whoever wore it the power to control that element. And when the team let their ring powers combine they can summon Earth's mighty champion "Captain Planet", who could basically control all the elements and had super human strength and could fly... you know, all the regular stuff awesome superheroes have.
Okay, so you know the basic premise of the show, now lets take a look at some of the toys. I only have three action figures from this line. All of them I got at bargain prices so their all awesome hauls. The first one I got was a MOC Parachute Linka fig which I found in some mall sale stall. I couldn't believe my eyes at first but when I took a closer look I was stoked and hooked. This fig could go as much as $50 online but I got my fig for lower than 50 Php! Now that is a steal! I wish I bought more but I don't like hoarding.
The next two figs I got from a "ukay ukay" stall in a public market. You know you're a toy hunter when you actually hunt in public markets. I was sifting through a box of old toys and I found these two treasures; the planeteer's old toxic foe Sly Sludge and Captain Planet himself! And both in very good condition! I got both for just 50 Php. Just think, these are NOT easy to find anywhere. Not that I know of at least. Captain Planet could go for a hundred dollars on some sites online so I think I got an awesome deal on these!
To be Honest, Captain Planet wasn't really a big hit back in the day. Maybe because of how naive the concept was for the time. But I did watch it and I did enjoy it. And actually acquiring some action figures from the show just gives me a very fulfilling feeling. Wish I could find more Captain Planet figs in the future.
Speaking of the future, I'll see you there next time! And remember...THE POWER IS YOURS!